
229 posts

Open Reply to Detractors Regarding OxySilver Promotions

  Open Reply to Detractors Regarding OxySilver Promotions by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz   To Whom it May Concern: I am replying openly to those who…


Healthy World Solutions

  The world is as much a masterpiece as it is a mess. You could focus on the darkness without ever seeing the light, or you…


Miraculous Healing in 5 Simple Steps

Miraculous Healing in 5 Simple Steps by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz Click to order. It’s time to prepare your Holy Spirit-filled temple for the…


Proof that God’s Heart is Focused on LOVE in 528Hz

  Proof that God’s Heart is Focused on LOVE in 528Hz by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz In an earlier essay, “Apocalypse and the Arc…


“FAITH vs. FEAR": A Dialogue About "LOVE/528" in a World of Challenges by Divine Design

“FAITH vs. FEAR”: A Dialogue About “LOVE/528” in a World of Challenges by Divine Design A lot of people are upset, depressed,…


Creation Through Hydration

Creation Through Hydration by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz The intelligent designs and marvels of water are infinite: Water reflects light, images, and creative consciousness. Holy Waters…


Commentary on the "Jew World Order"

  Commentary on the “Jew World Order” by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz   Small words can have large meanings and make huge differences in life. Take,…


Apocalypse and the Ark of the Covenant

Apocalypse and the Ark of the Covenant by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz Apocalypse and the ‘Arc of the Covenant’–two seemingly juxtaposed topics,…


528 and Zero Point Energy: The Cure For What Ails Humanity

528 and Zero Point Energy: The Cure For What Ails Humanity by Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, DMM And the key of the house…


"I AM" Asks Reversed "MAY I"

  The Creator also told Moses: “. . . this is My name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations.’” Amplifications provide expanded meanings of “I…
