COVID-19 is airborne AIDS

Correspondents’ Comments:

Dear Dr. Len Horowitz

I was using blastp and i found something which the indian scientists didn’t. The last part of the spike protein genome code of sars cov 2 contains the first 28 out of 59 nucleotides of hiv gp41 code. i’ve high lighted the code for easy viewing i’ve copied and pasted but you can click on the links and read the code for yourself.

I did blastp of hiv gp41 2LP7 on sars 1 and nothing, hiv is only in sars cov 2.

hiv Gp41 code (scroll to the bottom of page in link)$=protalign&blast_rank=1&RID=KDYSNY2A01R

gyipeaprdg qayvrkdgew vllstflgss gneqelleld kwaslwnwfn itnwlwyik

Sars cov 2 spike protein code has the hiv code at the end of the nucleotide code from 1246 to 1273 2nd line from bottom.

1 mgilpspgmp allslvslls vllmgcvaet gtqcvnlttr tqlppaytns ftrgvyypdk
61 vfrssvlhst qdlflpffsn vtwfhaihvs gtngtkrfdn pvlpfndgvy fasteksnii
121 rgwifgttld sktqsllivn natnvvikvc efqfcndpfl gvyyhknnks wmesefrvys
181 sannctfeyv sqpflmdleg kqgnfknlre fvfknidgyf kiyskhtpin lvrdlpqgfs
241 aleplvdlpi ginitrfqtl lalhrsyltp gdsssgwtag aaayyvgylq prtfllkyne
301 ngtitdavdc aldplsetkc tlksftvekg iyqtsnfrvq ptesivrfpn itnlcpfgev
361 fnatrfasvy awnrkrisnc vadysvlyns asfstfkcyg vsptklndlc ftnvyadsfv
421 irgdevrqia pgqtgkiady nyklpddftg cviawnsnnl dskvggnyny lyrlfrksnl
481 kpferdiste iyqagstpcn gvegfncyfp lqsygfqptn gvgyqpyrvv vlsfellhap
541 atvcgpkkst nlvknkcvnf nfngltgtgv ltesnkkflp fqqfgrdiad ttdavrdpqt
601 leilditpcs fggvsvitpg tntsnqvavl yqdvnctevp vaihadqltp twrvystgsn
661 vfqtragcli gaehvnnsye cdipigagic asyqtqtnsp sgagsvasqs iiaytmslga
721 ensvaysnns iaiptnftis vtteilpvsm tktsvdctmy icgdstecsn lllqygsfct
781 qlnraltgia veqdkntqev faqvkqiykt ppikdfggfn fsqilpdpsk pskrsfiedl
841 lfnkvtlada gfikqygdcl gdiaardlic aqkfngltvl pplltdemia qytsallagt
901 itsgwtfgag aalqipfamq mayrfngigv tqnvlyenqk lianqfnsai gkiqdslsst
961 asalgklqdv vnqnaqalnt lvkqlssnfg aissvlndil srldppeaev qidrlitgrl
1021 qslqtyvtqq liraaeiras anlaatkmse cvlgqskrvd fcgkgyhlms fpqsaphgvv
1081 flhvtyvpaq eknfttapai chdgkahfpr egvfvsngth wfvtqrnfye pqiittdntf
1141 vsgncdvvig ivnntvydpl qpeldsfkee ldkyfknhts pdvdlgdisg inasvvniqk
1201 eidrlnevak nlneslidlq elgkyeqyik gsgrenlyfq ggggsgyipe aprdgqayvr
1261 kdgewvllst flghhhhhhh h

AS YOU CAN SEE THE HIV GP41 CODE of ”gyipe aprdgqayvr kdgewvllst flg” IS ABOVE

I’m surprised the Indian scientists [Pradhan et. al] did not spot this ?

I have a bad feeling about this virus… and the end results.

Best regards jim


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