The Landmark Case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts No Longer Reflects the “Social Norm” That Distrusts Big Government and Big Pharma With “Protecting the ‘Herd.”
Leonard G. Horowitz
(February 24, 2016)
Most reasonable people in modern society agree with the world’s aboriginals, naturalists, and religious orthodoxy–the commission of “murder by injection” or “depopulation by vaccination” is unthinkable, even ungodly.
Yet, the fact that such an assault is now being imposed by legislative mandates, as seen by California’s passage of SB277 requiring mandatory vaccinations for school children, or by Hawaii’s Senate recently passing SB2394 requiring annual flu shots for every healthcare worker, attests to the alleged hypocrisy in our alleged “democracy.”
Something has gone VERY wrong in this matter of intelligence gathering, reporting, and decision making; and the key word is INTELLIGENCE. From whence commeth our intelligence forming our vaccination meme–that is, our beliefs, attitudes and values concerning “immunizations”?
Contrary to popular beliefs formed from repeated meme-altering media messaging, “vaccinations” are not “immunizations.” Vaccinations are believed to spur natural immunity, but if immunity needs to be spurred by injecting petrochemicals and GMOs, then the result is no longer “natural.”
Accordingly, what is surreptitiously called “immunizations” for alleged “health protection,” typically believed to be life-saving and longevity extending, is projected to reduce the world’s population by 15% according to Bill Gates and his ilk (whose rationale for justifying this unscientific claim is so preposterous and nonsensical, so outrageous, it needn’t be considered it in this reasonable discussion.)
The assertion that vaccines will reduce the world of nearly 1 billion people compels intelligent people, “reasonable” voters, to carefully consider whether or not we want to reduce populations this way–by lethal injections or unnatural processes; or otherwise review our meme for its conflicting values, attitudes, and behaviors.
Reasonable people would consider these issues crucial, especially since Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders raised related matters in recent months, including how many vaccines children are increasingly being forced to receive, or how multi-national corporate control over our bodies impacts society, and how vaccine injuries, including the MMR vaccine link to autism–data concealed by CDC officials in recent studies–affect our families, communities, educational resources, and economy.
And for this analysis bearing on vaccination-risked-extinction, we have some authoritative precedence. Stephen Kunitz, among America’s foremost medical sociologists, published a revealing article in the American Journal of Public Health.pdf titled, “Globalization, States, and the Health of Indigenous Peoples.” He documented that corporatism administered by “white Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPS)” regularly results in genocide(s), extermination of populations, cultural degradation, and irreparable damage to environments, especially in lesser developed nations; all profitable, and ongoing since the early twentieth century.
The Legal Precedent in America
Another required deliberation upon the examination of evidence of the aforementioned enterprise that is racketeering in genocide, “regulatory capture,” “legislative capture,” and the cell of propagandists–“protection racketeers”–largely responsible for the passage of SB277 in California, and similar efforts elsewhere, is the case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts. As noted in related articles, the legal foundation upon which these actions and mandatory vaccination legislation and public debate is built is case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 US 11, 26-27 (1905) (See: “Jacobson v Massachusetts at 100 Years: Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension” (Am J Public Health. 2005 April; 95(4): 576–581).
Jacobson was a religious leader who, in 1905, defended his congregation in opposition to the health department’s mandated smallpox vaccine in Boston. This was the earliest case signaling a “Holy War” over this matter of religious freedom versus police State enforcement of vaccination policies. This was the first time that the notion of “herd immunity” was raised in a legal dispute.
But a careful read of the court’s decision in Jacobsen neglects consideration of the benefits to drug industry special interests. Jacobson v. Massachusetts established the legal precedent in our “Christian Nation,” giving States power over matters of public health for supposedly the good of the community (i.e., the “herd’). The “separation of church and state” was seriously diffused in Jacobsen’s case, in deference to religious objectors, damaging the defendant’s ministry and invoking a $5 fine.
Jacobson can and must now be reconsidered, arguably overturned, primarily due to “regulatory capture” of consumer protection agencies, such as the FDA and CDC by Big Pharma and Big Biotech, especially since these matters have been raised by presidential candidates and members of congress. Regulatory capture, and “legislative capture,” by special interests and corrupt lobbyists has made the “medical model” untrustworthy. The social meme, unlike in Jacobsen’s time, holds serious reservations about the obviously outrageous number of vaccinations being increasingly forced upon children, compounding concerns of corruption and scientific evidence suppression at the CDC
Furthermore, during the past several decades, increasingly concerned citizens have demanded alternatives to “modern medicine,” petrochemical intoxication and environmental pollution, along with organic foods. A significant percentage of this “green technology market” has embraced “energy medicine,” and the concept of human spirituality reflecting energy that either heals or damages people by way of “electrogenetics,” and biophysics. Such revolutionary thinking, medical reasoning, in clinical practices exploding worldwide, are shattering the “one shot suits all” vaccination paradigm.
Couple these revelations with social obligations and defects in the Jacobsen decision with evidence of how vaccine industry advertising, including what propagandists publish and fraudulently conceal, including their conflicting interests, thus betraying the public’s trust in order to produce false, dangerous, and destructive memes, and Jacobsen can and must now be revisited, and arguably overturned.
The scholarly review of Jacobson by Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, is essential reading in this regard. “Jacobson v Massachusetts at 100 Years: Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension” (Am J Public Health. 2005 April; 95(4): 576–581) raised this same question, “Would Jacobson be decided the same way today?”
Gostin answered diplomatically, but unfavorably for the State. He concluded the “importance and the enduring meaning of the most famous decision in the realm of public health law,” was likely to be overturned by new and emerging revelations about risks.
The “reasonable person” standard would no doubt affect Courts and juries’ indictments of vaccines and drug companies that have been legislatively indemnified against lawsuits. Emerging intelligence, including how and why top CDC officials fraudulently concealed scientific data proving beyond any reasonable doubt the MMR vaccine’s link to autism, especially in African-American boys, compels pause and vaccination reconsideration. The fact that the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)–the main grassroots intelligence resource–was hijacked by lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry from its inception is equally susceptible to reconsideration. Despite even the NVIC’s level of whistleblowing, the organization still “believes in vaccines” according to its officials. The elephant under the carpet that effectively manufactured this “astroturf” organization for “controlled opposition” is largely accountable for the outrageously unjust National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. (See: NVIC_BarbaraLoeFisher.) This is a primary reason why the vast majority of families victimized by vaccine injuries have received nothing by heartaches.
Reasonable people are horrified by such compounding injustice, industry cover-ups, and skyrocketing morbidity and mortality data ascribable only to official malfeasance and genocidal intent. Given the history of 21st Century genocides reviewed by Kunitz, the dramatic rise in vaccine injuries, and the social media heralding damage that the corporate-controlled mainstream media neglects due to their drug industry co-dependence, people are increasingly awakening to the harsh “immunization” reality. Fraudulent concealments and mass media propaganda are largely responsible for the skyrocketing rates of vaccine-related illnesses, including autistic spectrum disorders and many types of cancers.
In essence, We The People have been hoodwinked into accepting our position as docile cattle, to be injected, infected, intoxicated, and depopulated, most profitably slaughtered, by a drug-industry-captured society acting under the influence of drugs, media propaganda, regulatory capture, legislative capture, and arguably judicial capture as well, so that we are immunized against reason.
When Jacobson is revisited, and courts became aware of the material evidence proving the aforementioned outrageous reality, including vaccinations’ use for global depopulation, juries will be outraged. Knowledge of this “slow kill” highly profitable method of “pharmaceutical warfare” is revolting.
Thus, the Jacobson decision must and shall be overturned, some day.
Revisiting Jacobson v. Massachusetts
Contrary to the Jacobson decision, courts today would be confronted by vaccination industry-wide fraud, evidenced by a pattern of “false flag outbreaks” and bioterrorism committed by the mainstream media. A classic example is the 2009 H1N1 “swine flu emergency.” This commercial crime benefited exclusively the pharmaceutical industry, and placed humanity at great risk.

“The [1901] outbreak reignited the smallpox immunization debate, and there was plenty of hyperbole on both sides,” Gostin chronicled.
“Antivaccinationists launched a ‘scathing attack:’ compulsory vaccination is “‘the greatest crime of the age,’ it ‘slaughter[s] tens of thousands of innocent children,’ and it ‘is more important than the slavery question, because it is debilitating the whole human race.’
“The anti-vaccinationists gave notice that compulsory powers ‘will cause a riot.’ Their influence was noticeable and resulted in a ‘conscience clause’ from the British Parliament that exempted any parent who can ‘satisfy Justices in petty sessions that he conscientiously believes that vaccination would be prejudicial to the health of the child.’
“The response of the mainstream media was equally shrill. The media characterized the debate as ‘a conflict between intelligence and ignorance, civilization and barbarism.’ The New York Times (that most recently showed its conflicting interest by grossly and purposely misrepresenting the Zika virus “mystery” days before this writing), stated, ‘No enemy of vaccination could ask better than to have England’s compulsory vaccination law nullified by that [conscience] clause’; the paper referred to antivaccinationists as a ‘familiar species of crank,’ whose arguments are ‘absurdly fallacious.’”
Gostin neglected to report that, during Jacobson’s day, the New York Times was published by Arthur Hays Sulzberger, on the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, aiding-and-abetting whatever cause the Rockefeller and Carnegie families advanced commercially and politically. Today, the NYTimes is owned by Carlos Slim, who is heavily invested in the BlackRock Group, that is administered by ISIS innovations’ and Evercore officials, including Evercore’s Senior Managing Director and Chairman of Europe Investment Banking, Bernard Taylor, co-Vice Chair for the Rockefeller JPMorgan Chase bank.
In Jacobsen’s day, the media, political climate, and public health policies and perceptions were biased, and socially-influenced, by the Carnegie and Rockefeller enterprises especially. Their special (drug industry) interests and influence, impacting the “pop-culture” and “memes” at that time, and the court’s decision in Jacobson, cannot be over-stated. The special interests behind the media in granting public health officials’ authority over citizens’ bodies, and civilization’s destiny, cannot be underestimated. This is especially true in light of the influence of industrial eugenicists funding institutions and foundations indoctrinating society by engineering memes, mentality, beliefs, and attitudes favoring vaccinations, and the “miracles of modern medicine,” beginning in the early part of the twentieth century.
Accordingly, the Supreme Court in Jacobson wrote, “[I[f we are to attach any value whatever to the knowledge which, it is safe to affirm, is common to all civilized peoples touching smallpox and the methods most usually employed to eradicate that disease, it cannot be adjudged that the present regulation of the Board of Health was not necessary in order to protect the public health and secure the public safety.”
Today, however, as the intelligence evidenced in this article and related articles prove, the “knowledge . . . common to all civilized peoples touching on” vaccines is steeped in fraud, scientific evidence tampering, and commercial bias.
“[I]t [i]s the duty of the constituted authorities primarily to keep in view the welfare, comfort and safety of the many, and not permit the interests of the many to be subordinated to the wishes or convenience of the few,” the Supreme Court continued with wisdom applicable to the regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry of the FDA and CDC.
“The state legislature proceeded upon the theory which recognized vaccination as at least an effective if not the best known way in which to meet and suppress the evils of a smallpox epidemic that imperilled an entire population.”
Today, however, many of the vaccines coming under legislative mandate, such as the HPV vaccine administered as a purportedly safe preventative against cervical cancer, much like the MMR vaccine safety data concealed by the CDC, place what is “known” about vaccines, into disrepute. (See: WHO, CDC, GACVS Mislead Public On HPV Vaccine Safety; and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s article HERE.) There is more than an “impression of impropriety” visible here.
In addition, all viable alternatives to vaccinations in preventive medicine are suppressed by regulatory capture at the FDA, and CDC, and industry wide acts of unfair and deceptive trade, depriving the public of a wide array of natural nutritional remedies, such as the NASA science developed silver hydrosols. [Note: Dr. Horowitz honorably discloses his conflicting interest in OxySilver, one such NASA science evolved broad spectrum anti-microbial.]
Where the “rubber meets the road” in this discussion, pursuant to widespread public acceptance of vaccinations as “safe and effective” for “immunizations,” the Supreme Court in Jacobson held:
“A common belief, like common knowledge, does not require evidence to establish its existence, but may be acted upon without proof by the legislature and the courts. . . .
“The fact that the belief is not universal is not controlling, for there is scarcely any belief that is accepted by everyone. The possibility that the belief may be wrong, and that science may yet show it to be wrong, is not conclusive; for the legislature has the right to pass laws which, according to the common belief of the people, are adapted to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. In a free country, where the government is by the people, through their chosen representatives, practical legislation admits of no other standard of action; for what the people believe is for the common welfare must be accepted as tending to promote the common welfare, whether it does in fact of not. Any other basis would conflict with the spirit of the Constitution, and would sanction measures opposed to a republican form of government. While we do not decide and cannot decide that vaccination is a preventive of smallpox, we take judicial notice of the fact that this is the common belief of the people of the State, and with this fact as a foundation we hold that the statute in question is a health law, enacted in a reasonable and proper exercise of the police power.” 72 N.E. Rep. 97.
In other words, even if Rep. Bill Posey et. al., were to prove to Congressional investigators that vaccine industrialists have caused CDC officials to cover-up the genocidal impact of MMR vaccinations damaging and depopulating African-Americans in the “land of the free,” the “home of the brave” has so few people aware of and opposing this mass murder, that the justice department is compelled by precedent to remain willfully blind and silent.
Globalization Pains: Symptoms of Hypocrisy
Today, the Rockefeller family’s influence remains largely concealed and unprecedented. For instance, the New York Times‘s coverage of Zika’s sudden deadly emergence omits the fact that the Rockefeller Foundation licensed this virus for world distribution! Their profit motive has extended during the past century over the energy industry, OPEC, the U.N., World Bank, World Health Organization, the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel, the national security state in America, the CIA, and the “pop-CULTure” engineered by the “PharmaMedia” abusing the “Entertainment Industry” to facilitate globalization along with mental retardation and gross reductions in populations.
These results of corporate-controlled “globalization” effecting increasing aggression, division between various religions and ethnic groups, fear, and dependence on drugs and vaccines, is relevant to, even fundamental to, the acts of murderous aggression attributed to the Taliban in the Pakistani Vaccination Massacre reported on previously by this author.
In essence, the actions of the international banking cartel threatens humanity’s extinction understanding the risk of lab-virus mutations central to vaccinations. Set aside for the moment the petrochemical-pharmaceutical pollution damaging the environment and risking many other species, cultures, and even religions in lesser developed nation as documented by Kunitz (Ibid.) The Rothschild League of banks, and the Rockefeller-controlled World Bank finances the U.N and WHO that promotes the genocidal impositions and depopulation by vaccination the world is watching. The WASP-envisioned transition for “globalization”) heralds vaccinations for “biopreparedness” and pharmaceutical response for each new seasonal “outbreak,” including dengue, Zika, and more. These matters must be revisited along with Jacobson, to restore integrity during legislative hearings on mandatory vaccinations. We must revisit Jacobson with new question about religious convictions and Bible law that contraindicate GMO blood intoxications for so called “immunization.” (See: Leviticus 19:19)
Can you imagine religious practices featuring designer drugs? You can if you are a shaman in Amazonia. During the past half century drug-based religions have prospered, according to Dr. Stanley Krippner who, in fact, predicts the “Future of Religions” will feature hallucinogenic drug trips with psychoactive substances such as dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”), marijuana, and/or LSD. Considering Eli Lily’s and Sandoz pharmaceutical company’s manufacture, distribution, and experimentation with LSD by the CIA, this history raises the high probability that drug companies will succeed in overtaking the religious world in more ways than vaccination exemption. Such taxpayer funded “social experiments” have gaven rise to the recent increase in “ayahuasca churches” that practice “community medicine” employing marijuana and the controlled DMT narcotic to gain “spiritual content” and commune with God.
The Supreme Court in Jacobson did not have these issues before it.
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.)
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is one of the world’s most prolific, best credentialed, and most controversial drug industry critics. He is also a music industry revolutionary, natural medicine expert, pharmaceutical industry whistleblower, and intelligence industry analyst who has published eighteen books, five documentary films, and dozens of peer reviewed scientific articles.
After receiving his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from Tufts University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, Dr. Horowitz went on to publish the first of three American bestsellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This book is largely credited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials for prompting the global vaccination risk awareness movement. Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text caused several governments to reconsider their “immunization” policies, and it became the center of political debate in 2008 when Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Horowitz and this book for evidencing HIV/AIDS as a genocidal weapon of mass depopulation targeting Africans and African Americans courtesy of covert U.S. military contractors named in the publication.
Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries.
The retired dentist and naturopathic physician’s consumer health guidebook, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, pioneered the protocol adopted by thousands of natural healers and doctors worldwide.
His 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 30-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing music, recording artistry, healthcare, environmental protection, natural resource restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous degenerative competition and lethal consumption.
From Dr. Horowitz’s books, video productions, and documentary films, Hollywood filmmakers have drawn many ideas, including the 2010 movie INCEPTION, I Am Legand, the X-File Movie, and several others.
International acclaim and widespread acceptance of the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” which Dr. Horowitz and his partner, journalist and activist, Sherri Kane, has commercialized in the rapidly growing and through his private television station,, formed following Google/YouTube’s censorship of more than 150 of the doctor’s DVD productions.
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz, that resonates the heart of rainbows, 528nm of greenish-yellow light, precisely why grass is green, and the air is full of electron-energized oxygen vibrating in the energy of LOVE/528.
Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.