OxySilverTM: The “Green” Technology Making Risky Vaccinations and Toxic Antibiotics Obsolete



Leonard G. Horowitz*

DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.)



Drug makers profit billions of dollars annually from the sale of toxic antibiotics and risky vaccines. These antimicrobial methods accepted by the medical mainstream are often responsible for pollution and myriad side-effects. The use of antibiotics upsets the microbial balance of ecology and the human body. It promotes the evolution of “super germs” that require stronger chemotherapies. Vaccines may have worse consequences. Inoculations of foreign proteins, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals tax the immune system and detoxification organs triggering auto-immune diseases, neuro-degenerative ailments, learning disabilities such as autism and more. Cancers are linked to some vaccine contaminations. To remedy these arguably criminal inequities, an advanced silver hydrosol has been developed as a “green technology” alternative to risky vaccinations and toxic antibiotics. OxySilver operates hydrosonically and energetically to save lives and costs as a far safer and proven effective broad spectrum solution to nearly all infectious diseases. Targeting pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses; OxySilver generally spares beneficial flora in the gut and supports, rather than stresses, the immune system, neurology, and general constitution. In addition, OxySilver, and silver hydrosols in general, do not encourage microbial mutations forming “super bugs” as do antibiotics. Given all the science that has advanced, OxySilver may be the “silver bullet” humanity has sought for freedom from infectious diseases.



Silver has been used for centuries to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Virtually all civilizations have used silver because of its health-promoting properties. Ancient surgeons used silver pins to fuse bones, they used silver wire to suture wounds, silver powder on ulcerations, silver-infused poultices/plasters, and silver foil to protect wounds against infections.1,2 Modern medicine uses silver in many medical therapies and devices. The following are among the growing list of accepted and applied medical applications of silver:

  • !  wound and surgical care products
  • !  coatings and treatments to prevent the growth of pathogens for catheters, heartvalves, dental and orthopedic devices
  • !  fabric for hospital curtains, bedding, and surgical clothingHowever, metallic silver has no antimicrobial properties. Silver must be available in an aqueous form to be effective. When the surface of a silver particle is exposed to moisture, it oxidizes and silver oxide is released. Thus mobilized in aqueous fluids, silver oxide provides broad spectrum antimicrobial capabilities. Likewise, silver nano-particles in solution have been shown to deliver antimicrobial effects for as long as 100–200 days.3

Both forms of silver are highly toxic to harmful microorganisms yet they are generally benign to human cells.

Silver attacks multiple sites to inactivate critical physiological functions in the microbial cell. These functions include: cell-wall synthesis, membrane transport, nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) synthesis and translation, protein folding and function, and electron transport, which is important in generating energy for the cell. 4,5,6,7,8 Without these functions, pathogenic microorganisms are either destroyed or inhibited from growth. Human cells, by comparison, are much larger, more complex, and far more resistant to such actions.

Positively-charged silver ions, silver nano-particles, and silver oxides have a high affinity for negatively-charged side groups on biological molecules. These side groups include sulfhydryl, carboxyl, phosphate, amino, and imidazole groups distributed throughout microbial cells. When bound to silver, the molecular structure of these side groups is altered and rendered worthless to the microorganism. Silver inactivates enzymes by reacting with the sulfhydryl groups. It simultaneously reacts with the amino, carboxyl, phosphate, and imidazole groups to diminish the activities of lactate dehydrogenase and glutathione peroxidase. This results in a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity providing efficacy against bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and yeasts. Silver is more efficient than traditional antibiotics because it is extremely active in small quantities. For certain bacteria, as little as one part per billion of silver may be effective in preventing cell growth.9



“Iatrogenocide” is a term coined by University of Chicago medical maverick Robert Mendelsohn to describe profiteering from the side effects of modern medicine and human suffering.10 Antibiotics and vaccines are classic examples of iatrogenocide. Their overuse and neglected risks profits the pharmaceutical cartel and causes the gradual degeneration of susceptible populations.

With poor selectivity, antibiotics inhibit or kill harmful as well as the helpful bacteria leaving the human intestinal tract probiotically degraded and open to invasion by pathogens. Antibiotics also notoriously evolve resistant organisms—stronger strains of germs that can withstand the most powerful antibiotics.

Vaccines are equally harmful. They introduce heavy metals (mercury and aluminum) linked to immunological and neurodevelopmental ailments.11 Vaccines also introduce protein contaminants that contribute to autoimmune diseases,12 and foreign genetic transfers that increase risks of cancer and other widespread human pathology.13

To remedy this medical delinquency, silver hydrosols have emerged as viable alternatives to iatrogenocidal antibiotics and vaccines. Since their introduction in the 1950s, silver hydrosols have developed to the point where they can now compete with the best antibiotics and preventives. Advanced silver hydrosols such as OxySilver contain nano-size silver particles consistantly smaller than those found in colloidal silvers. These electrically competent solutions can be resonated with specific frequencies of imparting special qualities (e.g., 528Hz associated with genetic repair).

Where colloidal particles range in size from 1 to 1000 nanometers (nm), nano particle solutions exclusively contain particles less than 100 nm (20–15,000 silver atoms).14,15 OxySilver’s average particle size is less than 20 nm. At this small size, its silver particles are capable of disrupting critical operations in microbial metabolism to a greater degree than silver colloids.16 Small nano-sized particles also provide greater surface area of silver in solution. The greater surface area allows a more abundant release of silver ions and oxyides. Because of these recent innovations, nanosilver solutions now hold the key to the prevention and treatment of infectious disease.17,18


OxySilver Technology

Although OxySilver contains nano-sized silver particles it cannot be reasonably classified as a “nanotechnology” because it is neither contains nano-machines nor precise atomic structural engineering “from the bottom up.” Thus, in the case of silver hydrosols, the descriptive term “nanotechnology” is contraindicated.

Silver hydrosols are more properly defined as trace mineral waters. Most advanced formulas are technically called, “uniform picoscaler oligodynamic silver hydrosols.”19 The term oligodynamic” refers to the activity of the silver atoms against microbes at relatively low concentrations. It should be recalled that all natural mineral waters contain nano-sized particles, including nanosilver, although not as concentrated as in OxySilver.

The properties of materials such as silver become different when their size is reduced to tens or hundreds of atoms.20 These small silver atom aggregates produce crystalline structuring within pure water.21,22 Such structuring of the silver and water matrix is thought to influence hydration, intra and inter cellular communications, and DNA signaling.23,24,25

The most advanced silver hydrosols feature structured, polarized, covalently-bonded silver oxide molecules. These molecules and hydrosols can be energetically “programmed” using light and/or sound imparting unique electromagnetic and bioenergetic capabilities.26 Just as music affects mood, so too does body water change structurally and vibrationally in response to sound, light, homeopathic dilutions, essential oils, and other methods that incorporate resonant energy. As in homeopathy, silver hydrosols can be made to acquire energetic resonances.27 In this way, highly conductive, energetically-enhanced silver hydrosols can be programmed to impart benefits based on the electrodynamics of cells using bioacoustic and biophotonic mechanisms.26, 27 Amplified sound and light signals are carried through the medium of superconducting (structured) water effecting the whole body.


Proven Efficacy

The safety and efficacy of silver hydrosols has been documented in multiple trials assessing disinfectant, antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties. 41

There are several reasons why OxySilver outperforms antibiotics:

  1. Silver particles are positively charged. They literally “seek and destroy” gram negative bacteria that are most common pathogens. This effect is referred to as the “Silver Bullet” effect heralded by energy medicine investigator Dr. Bob Beck who was among the pioneers of silver hydrosol research.
  2. Antibiotics do not affect viruses whereas OxySilver does.
  3. Antibiotics do not penetrate biofilms as well as OxySilver and other silver hydrosols.
  4. Antibiotics generally kill bacteria when they attempt to divide—or they will prevent them from dividing. With OxySilver, bacteria are killed immediately via oxidation.
  5. Antibiotics usually bind with pathogens; and for each pathogen destroyed, one molecule of the antibiotic is used up. Alternatively, silver is a catalyst. As soon as a particle of silver has oxidized a pathogen, the pathogen loses some negative charge, dies, then leaves the silver free to attack another pathogen.
  6. And as mentioned, nanosilver solutions can be programmed with frequencies that further support the immune system and general constitution of the consumer.

Regarding the increased susceptibility of pathogenic biofilms to OxySilver attack, biofilms are organized colonies of bacteria that cooperatively produce a protective covering over the entire colony. In this way bacteria go undetected by the immune system and are equally neglected by antibiotics. The rule of thumb is that 1500 times more of an antibiotic agent is needed to kill a biofilm than to kill free-floating (planktonic) bacteria.28 Nano-sized silver penetrates biofilms for a more complete erradication of bacterial pathogens. It has also been proven to prevent biofilms on medical devices and within water treatment systems. Incorporated on the surface of medical devices, the outer layer of each silver nanoparticle oxidizes when exposed to body fluids. In this way biofilm growth is prevented.


Broad Spectrum Applicability

Silver hydrosols have been found effective in treating a long list of bacterial organisms. They kill many of the organisms that are responsible for upper respiratory tract infections including those that cause pneumonia, tuberculosis, diphtheria, influenza, and pertussis.29

Silver eradicates resistant strains of bacteria, including MRSA.30,31 Silver also kills the pathogens that cause food poisoning (Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli).32 Consider the antibiotics and vaccines that are prescribed for these agents and illnesses; their high risks and costs.

Emerging medical studies confirm the broad-spectrum efficacy of oligodynamic silver in vitro and in vivo. This includes some of the most formidable viral organisms like HIV and Herpesvirus hominis (HSV).33,34 Medical literature has documented the efficacy of

silver’s virotoxicity against more than twenty-four viruses:35, 36

  • !  Adenovirus
  • !  Coxsackie virus
  • !  Influenza strains A and B
  • !  Rhinovirus type 1A
  • !  HIV
  • !  HSV

These include:

Currently, in AIDS patient care and cancer treatment centers, silver hydrosols are being administered to patients alone or in combination with antibiotics.37,38 Nanosilver solutions command as much as $100 per ounce in critical care centers since they are particularly useful in combating multiple antibiotic-resistant germ strains like MRSA. Nanosilver is also effective against modern “stealth” pathogens, such as mycoplasma.39

Another constitutional benefit and virtue of silver nanoparticles was identified by Robert.O. Becker, M.D. According to his research, silver ions are capable of influencing mature cells causing them to develop into stem cells which are involved in the reconstruction of damaged tissue. Especially when driven by a tiny electric current, he observed that wounds touched by silver ions produced large numbers of stem cells.40

It is very likely that primordial monoatomic silver transmits a “supercharge” that encourages “youngevity” of the human organism benefiting anatomy, physiology, and metabolism electro-dynamically, microscopically, and ultimately totally.


Safety Concerns

A University of Wisconsin research review showed silver hydrosols have low toxicity and high efficacy when used appropriately.41 For this reason the World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Silver in Drinking Water states, “…the establishment of a health-based guideline is not deemed necessary.”42

The EPA recommends limiting consumption of silver to less than 3 mg/kg/day over a period of years to avoid the risk of argyria—a rare grey-blue discoloration of the skin. At this rate, five tablespoons per day of 5 ppm (2.5 ounces) of a colloidal silver product may be consumed for 70 years with without risk.43

By comparison, physicians are warned never to prescribe antibiotics for more than a couple of weeks. Yet, as currently prescribed throughout the medical community, antibiotics (such as CIPRO) are consumed for months and estimated to kill thousands of people annually due to their toxic side effects.44

Typical doses of nanosilver solutions vary from 1-to-15 teaspoons daily, depending on the concentration of the product and the purpose for use. At nanosilver concentrations of 5 ppm, a full liter of product, such as OxySilver, provides only 5 mgs. of nanosilver.

The most vocal silver hydrosol opponents claim to be environmental advocates, but are often financially linked to the petrochemical-pharmaceutical industry. They cite three concerns: 45

  1. Inadequate toxicity testing;
  2. Potential long-term environmental impact from silver hydrosols leading tomicrobial resistance as has occurred with antibiotics; and
  3. Microbial species extinctions occurring from nanosilver leaching into watersupplies.

At the time of this writing, more than seventy articles have been referenced online by the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center regarding the toxicity of silver hydrosols.46 Key among these is a 2008 publication by Chen and Schluesener who wrote, nanosilver “is a most promising field . . . in medicine.” The authors then cautiously cited the need for additional studies to adequately determine biodistribution of consumed nanosilver, organ accumulation, elemental degradation, and possible adverse effects from toxicity with increased medical use over time.47

Most recent research concludes that silver exhibits low toxicity and minimal risk in the human body. OxySilver is eliminated rapidly by the gut, liver, and kidneys.48 In healthcare, most nanosilver is metabolized, chelated, or clathrated naturally while moving through the alimentary canal.

With the aid of his medical doctor, engineer analyst Roger Altman gathered personal data regarding silver deposition and excretion from his own body. Consuming between 1 mg and 2.3 mgs of silver in colloidal solution every day for more than 5 months, he measured excreted silver in urine, feces, hair, nails, and sweat. His research indicated that colloidal silver was eliminated from the body much more efficiently than previously thought. Altman measured the elimination of silver for 100 days following the cessation of silver intake. His findings included: 49

  • !  Initially, most of the silver was eliminated via the urine.
  • !  After the first month, silver elimination was greater through the feces.
  • !  Increasing water intake increased silver elimination.
  • !  By the 100th day, nearly all of the accumulated silver had been eliminated from his tissues.

Although Altman’s study was limited and crude it suggests that a healthy adult can consume more than 2 mgs. of silver in colloidal form per day, and much more in hydrosol form, without risk. It also suggests that silver salts (including silver nitrate, silver arsphenamine, and silver chloride) may be metabolized much differently (and more slowly) than the oxide form of silver delivered in OxySilver.

Reasonable concerns have been raised that consumer products (clothing and laundry detergents), using nano-sized silver may have detrimental effects on the environment.50,51 Nanoparticles at wastewater concentrations far higher than medicinal effluent (0.5mg/L) have been determined to inhibit growth of nitrifying bacteria and could be detrimental.52 For this reason, regulation of silver pollution caused by leaching from clothing and laundry detergents may be indicated.

Environmental concerns about acquired microbial resistance to silver hydrosols are highly speculative. The development of resistance to silver is considered to be remote because an organism would have to undergo simultaneous mutations in every critical function within a single generation to escape the influence of nanosilver. Since spontaneous mutations are rare, the probability of multiple independent mutations occurring in the same generation of microbes is extremely unlikely. To date, there are less than 20 published reports of silver resistance in bacteria and only a few of these include data that help clarify possible resistance mechanisms.53

The only known side effect of silver hydrosols used responsibly in healthcare by individuals who consume them orally, or when administered intravenously during critical care, is rapid and dramatic detoxification. Silver will usually give a much faster “die off” than an antibiotic. The down side of this is that the high and rapid die off rate can cause Herxheimer’s reaction generally called a “healing crisis.” 54,55 In this case, the body is strained by the elimination of toxins and dead pathogens that can result from the use of OxySilver. Other therapies that similarly initiate the release of large amounts of toxins are reported to cause the same problem. Therefore, it is highly recommended that individuals taking OxySilver drink greater than normal amounts of water for safer silver hydrosol therapy.

Furthermore, it is recommended that the severely ill begin with smaller amounts and work up to therapeutic dosages. This gives the body the time to eliminate toxins without undue stress. Preparing for silver hydrosol usage through adequate hydration, oxygenation, and preliminary detoxification is indicated for patients with infectious disease(s). Clay or zeolite sorption, chelation, and/or clathration formulations may help reduce Herxheimer reactions, reduce chemical and heavy metal intoxications, and prepare the body for rapid microbial release during the use of OxySilver.56


The Power of OxySilver, Water, and Prayer

A superficial understanding of water resonance and water structuring is required to fully appreciate OxySilver and comprehend the full potential for hydrosonically-engineered silver solutions and their potential roles in healthcare.

Water resonance is now widely recognized as a fundamental factor in health. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) depends on this dynamic. Vibrating cells, nuclei, and water molecules are capable of carrying signals and transmitting resonant information throughout the body.57

Water structuring at the molecular level commonly forms hexagonal geometry facilitating liquid crystal-like energy transmissability. This “clustering” of water is a significant factor in cellular oxygenation and hydration as well as the efficacy of OxySilver. Energetic “signatures” are stored within the structure of hydro-clusters as vibrational messages and/or electronic bond resonances.58 And because structured (liquid crystalline) water is coherent, it is able to carry and deliver these signals most coherently and effectively throughout the body.59 This capacity is increasingly recognized in science as fundamental to health, biophysics, hydro-physics, and electro-genetics.

So structured water amplifies the bioenergetic properties of OxySilver while the nano- silver enhances the structure, coherence, resonance, and electro-conductance of the hydrosol. Silver is, after all, among the most electrically conductive elements on the periodic table of elements. As in homeopathy, consuming this vibrating liquid affects bioenergy systemically. The presence of energetically-conductive nanosilver, as well as the addition of primordial resonant frequencies (e.g., 528Hz) emanating hydrosonically, represents a significant advancement in energy medicine.

Water may be the key to understanding the energy dynamics of our entire universe.60 It is fundamental to generating the universal force field.61 “As above so below.” The earth itself is approximately 70% water. The human body is likewise composed of between 70 and 75% water. According to NASA scientists, water exists in deep space, thus establishing a contiguous electromagnetic hydro-sonic matrix stretching from your heart to the farthest reaches of the cosmos.62,63,64,65

It is empirically obvious that spirituality engages energy, physics, and metaphysics. All are mediated hydrosonically according to advancing research.66, 73 However, this is not really news. The theological sacredness of water is well established. Many theologies hold that water is the creative, restorative, and sustaining juice of the universe.66 In Judeo-Christian and Muslim traditions, water is revered as part of the “Triune God.” (Genesis 1:2). Jesus described himself as “the Living Water.” Moses’s name means, “Saved by the Water.” The Christian world also believes in a spiritual renewal with the return of the crystal clear Water of Life—synchronous with the end of the Bible, the “healing of nations,” and the beginning of the Messianic Age.(Rev. 22:1;17)

Strange as it may seem, the ultra-sound-like fetal image below was discovered in a sample of lava-heated steam taken from the Big Island of Hawaii. The image corresponds to native Kahunas’ traditional belief that earth’s rebirth will come through an umbilical cord stretching to Mt. Kilauea (near to where the sample was taken) from the center of the universe.67

Prayer has been studied for years in medicine for its potential impact in patient care and recovery.68 Dr. Masaru Emoto has advanced evidence that water responds to prayer.69 Crystallography reveals images strongly suggestive of water’s responsive intelligence. Examples of this have been well publicized in films and in the mainstream media.70 Heart-felt prayer and loving intent has been shown to impact healing and water structuring. Given that the body is mostly water, if prayer works, it requires hydroresonance facilitated by the liquid crystalline, superconducting, water-protein- proteoglycan matrix involved in intercellular communications. This involves metaphysics and light and sound signaling ultimately producing healing, “cellular upregulation,” and the manifestation or renewal of the complete organism.71,72,73 This hypothesis provides scientific rationale for creationism, and more specifically hydro-creationism.


Pressure to Withhold Nanosilver Technology

Ironically, rather than heralding silver hydrosols’ life-saving capacity, the Center for Technological Assessment (CTA) recently allied with several environmental and consumer groups—some with obvious financial ties to leading antibiotic and vaccine makers—pressuring the EPA to classify silver hydrosols as “pesticides” and thus prohibit their sale.74,75 Since the pharmaceutical industry derives mega-profits from vaccinations and antibiotics, their officials and lobbyists naturally prefer to have silver hydrosols defamed and legislatively suppressed. This is well within the petrochemical- pharmaceutical cartel’s capability and documented history.76 According to a July 2008 Nanotechnology Law Report, regulation of nanosilver is now imminent, beginning with nanosilver in anti-bacterial uses.77

Beyond attempting to have silver hydrosols classified as pesticides, recent attacks from environmental groups aim to halt the use of nanosilver solutions until thorough environmental impact studies are conducted. This type of action is myopic and genocidal—especially considering the life-saving clinical contributions nanosilver is making as a “green technology” preferable to deadly vaccinations and toxic antibiotics approved by the FDA and overlooked by the EPA.

Discerning investigators must conclude that silver hydrosols offer the most effective, cost-saving, ecologically-sustaining, and risk-reducing alternatives to standard methods of controlling infectious disease.78 Injudicious regulation, rather than widespread investigation and promotion, of this “green” technology is flagrantly criminal.



Infectious diseases may be most safely prevented and most effectively and efficiently treated using pure water covalently bonded to nanosilver particles that prompt most naturally:

  1. multiple lytic actions against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans
  2. rapid detoxification
  3. superior cellular hydration
  4. cellular oxygenation
  5. improved pH balance
  6. enhanced immune function, and
  7. systemic resonance renewal

Research and developments in this multidisciplinary field of silver-water science directs us beyond therapeutic uses into the realms of biophysics, metaphysics, and even evolving consciousness to remedy many of humanity’s greatest challenges.

Opponents to silver hydrosols influencing government regulators through industry- sponsored special interest lobbyists prefer to have this life-saving, health-promoting, “green technology” suppressed. Such genocidal behavior is criminal and explains why silver hydrosols have been so seriously neglected and recently maligned.79

NASA put men into space decades ago relying on the proven safety and efficacy of silver hydrosols to assure potable water purity and to secure astronaut immunity against infectious diseases.80 The public desires and deserves similar alternatives to risky and expensive antibiotics and vaccines.

Can you imagine a world without infectious diseases? OxySilver brings us closer to this actuality than drug companies would like you to envision.


* About the Author:

Leonard G. Horowitz (D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M, D.M.M.) is an award-winning humanitarian and internationally recognized authority in public health and emerging diseases. The author discloses potential conflicting interest in helping to formulate and market OxySilverTM—an advanced silver hydrosol. The author’s non-profit research is partially sustained by OxySilver sales through CureShoppe.com and HealthyWorldStore.com. The entire class of nanosilver solutions has gained substantial scientific support and recognized value in healthcare for service in disease remediation and health enhancement. Support for Dr. Horowitz’s work helps fund numerous non-profit projects, including the World Organization for Natural Medicine Foundation’s “Clinics for Humanity Project.” The Project is advancing university-affiliated free natural healing clinics worldwide. Please direct correspondence with Dr. Horowitz to: Editor@MedicalVeritas.org




1 National Academy of Sciences. “Silver”. In: Drinking Water and Health (Volume 2), 1980, pp. 102-106. See: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309029317&page=102

2 Goetsch V. Online resource: ColloidalSilver.org Colloidal Silver Knowledge Base Colloidal Silver a Fresh Look: An Insider’s Analysis – Historical Expose and Technical SynerGenesis, Inc., 2006; http://colloidalsilver.org/history_of_colloidal_silver.htm

3 Gibbins, B and Warner, L. The Role of Antimicrobial Silver Nanotechnology MDDI August 2005. See: http://www.devicelink.com/mddi/archive/05/08/005.html

4 Ibid.

5 Shahverdi , A. et al. Synthesis and effect of silver nanoparticles on the antibacterial activity of different antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine , Vol. 3 , Issue 2 , June 2007. pp 168 – 171. Available online: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1549963407000469

6 Goetsch V. Online resource: ColloidalSilver.org Colloidal Silver Knowledge Base Colloidal Silver a Fresh Look: An Insider’s Analysis – Historical Expose and Technical SynerGenesis, Inc., 2006; http://colloidalsilver.org/history_of_colloidal_silver.htm

7 Li, P., et. al., Syergistic antibacterial effects of Beta-lactam antibiotic combined with silver nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 16 (2005): 1912-1917. Abstract available online: http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0957- 4484/16/9/082/

8 Almofti, M.R., et al., Mitochondrial impact of Silver Science: Silver Ion Induces a Cyclosporine A- Insensitive Permeability Transition in Rat Liver Mitochondria and Release of Apoptogenic Cytochrome c. J. Biochem, 2003, Vol. 134, No. 1 43-49. Abstract online: http://jb.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/134/1/43

9 Gibbins, B. The Antimicrobial Benefits of Silver and the Relevance of Microlattice Technology, Ostomy Wound Management 49, No. 6 (2003): 5–6.

10 Mendelsohn, R. Confessions of a Medical Heretic. New York: McGraw Hill Professional/Contemporary Books, 1990.

11 Geier, MR and Geier, DA. Thimerosal in childhood vaccines, neurodevelopment disorders, and heart disease in the United States. J Am Phys and Surgeons. Spring 2003;8:1;6-11. Available online: http://www.jpands.org/vol8no1/geier.pdf

12 Cohen, A.D. and Shoenfeld, Y. Vaccine-induced autoimmunity. Autoimmune. 1996 Dec;9(6):699-703. 13 Horowitz, LG. Polio, hepatitis B and AIDS: an integrative theory on a possible vaccine induced

pandemic. Medical Hypotheses, 2001;56;5:677-686.
14 Gibbons, B and Warner, L. The Role of Antimicrobial Silver Nanotechnology

MDDI August 2005. See: http://www.devicelink.com/mddi/archive/05/08/005.html

15 Chen, X and Schluesener, H.J. Nanosilver: A nanoproduct in medical application. Toxicology Letters, (January 2008) 176(1): 1-12. Abstract online: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TCR-4PX7B49- 1&_user=443835&_coverDate=01%2F04%2F2008&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_ acct=C000020958&_version=1&_urlV ersion=0&_userid=443835&md5=922afb91ebf2a87608d70d5e1197 6065

16 Morones. J.R. et al. The bactericidal effect of silver nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 2005.,16 2346-2353. Abstract available online: http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0957-4484/16/10/059

17 Chen, X and Schluesener, H.J. Nanosilver: A nanoproduct in medical application. Toxicology Letters, (January 2008) 176(1): 1-12.

18 Gordon, E and Holtorf, K. A promising cure for URTI pandemics, including H5N1 and SARS: Has the final solution to the coming plagues been discovered? (Part II) Historical Virotoxicity of Oligodynamic Silver. Townsend Letter; 2006 (April). Available online: http://www.gordonresearch.com/Presentations/GRI_mar07/articles/promising_cure.html

19 Horowitz, L.G. Nanoscam earns mega-profits as environmental groups advance genocide: Silver hydrosol “nanotechnology” attacked. Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Press, 2008. See: http://web.mac.com/len15/Site_7/The_Silver_Hydrosol___Nanotechnology_Debate.html

20 Dong, H. Molecular Dynamics Study of Nanosilver Particles for Low-Temperature Lead-Free Interconnect Applications. Journal of Electronic Materials. Jan 2005. Available online: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3776/is_200501/ai_n9520433

21 Moon, M.J et al. Studies on the hydration energy and water structures in dilute aqueous solution. Bull. Japan Chem. Soc., 1986, 59 1215.

22 Jhon, M.S. The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Uplifting Press, 2004, pg 47.

23 Pangman, MJ, Hexagonal Water: The Ultimate Solution, revised edition, Uplifting Press, 2007 pg 2.

24 Extensive literature review of “Clinical Studies On The Effects of Electrolyzed-Reduced Water Research” has been compiled and posted by Heart Spring online at: http://heartspring.net/water_clinical_studies.html#scavenge

25 Turova, V., et. al. Structured water in partially dehydrated yeast cells and at partially hydrophobized fumed silica surface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Volume 283, Issue 2, 15 March 2005, Pp. 329-343.

26 Slabko V., et al., Photostimulated aggregation of ultradispersoidal silver particles into fractal clusters. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 1993; 5:7231-7238. Online abstract and access: http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/5/39/010

27 Smith, C.W. Homeopathy: How it works and how it is done. Chapter 5. Methods of potentisation. Homeopathic Research Hpathy Ezine, May, 2008. Online link: http://www.hpathy.com/research/smith- how-homeopathy-works-5.asp

28 Costerton, W. Innovations: Studying Slime” Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 2005; Available online: http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/1998/106-12/innovations.html.

29 Gordon, E and Holtorf, K. A promising cure for URTI pandemics, including H5N1 and SARS: Has the final solution to the coming plagues been discovered? (Part II) Historical Virotoxicity of Oligodynamic Silver. Townsend Letter; 2006 (April). Available online: http://www.gordonresearch.com/Presentations/GRI_mar07/articles/promising_cure.html

30 Edwards-Jones V. Antimicrobial and barrier effects of silver against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Journal of Wound Care, Vol. 15, Issue. 7, 01 Jul 2006, pp 285 – 290. Available online: http://www.journalofwoundcare.com/cgi- bin/go.pl/library/article.cgi?uid=26951;article=JWC_15_7_285_290

31 Shahverdi , A. et al. Synthesis and effect of silver nanoparticles on the antibacterial activity of different antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine , Vol. 3 , Issue 2 , June 2007. pp 168 – 171. Available online: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1549963407000469

32 Clifton Mining website. Silver Solution Test and Information Summary. Available online: http://www.cliftonmining.com/Test%20Data%20Summary.pdf

33 Elechiguerra, J.L., Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2005, 3:6doi:10.1186/1477-3155-3-6. Available online: http://www.jnanobiotechnology.com/content/3/1/6

34 Gordon, E and Holtorf, K. A promising cure for URTI pandemics, including H5N1 and SARS: Has the final solution to the coming plagues been discovered? (Part II) Historical Virotoxicity of Oligodynamic Silver. Townsend Letter; 2006 (April). Available online: http://www.gordonresearch.com/Presentations/GRI_mar07/articles/promising_cure.html

35 Ibid.

36 Clifton Mining website. Silver Solution Test and Information Summary. Available online: http://www.cliftonmining.com/Test%20Data%20Summary.pdf

37 Li, P., et. al., Syergistic antibacterial effects of Beta-lactam antibiotic combined with silver nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 16 (2005): 1912-1917. Abstract available online: http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0957- 4484/16/9/082/

38 Edwards-Jones V. Antimicrobial and barrier effects of silver against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Journal of Wound Care, Vol. 15, Issue. 7, 01 Jul 2006, pp 285 – 290. Available online: http://www.journalofwoundcare.com/cgi- bin/go.pl/library/article.cgi?uid=26951;article=JWC_15_7_285_290

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